These two Yids smiled for the picture, but that is not the only reason I included this. It reminds me of everything in Bnai Brak.
This is during the Chupah. If you look close enough, you can see Tzvi chanting, and the thing coming out of the right side of the picture is the hollywood movie camera I was talking about. I wish I had gotten a better picture of this thing. It was hilarious.
I don't know exactly what it is about this photo, but I like it a lot. It might be that it captures something about the wedding, but it could also be the gold hue that is vaguely reminiscient of Jerusalem.
This is what the dancefloor at the wedding looked like. I would say that, being there, it had equal parts ecstasy and darkness. And lots of energy.
That's me and Mr. Uzan. And a beer.
That's all for now. I'll put up more later.
the beer feels left out
i am totally enjoying the blog--be safe--all the best to you
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