Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Current Situation in Gaza

Recently, Israel closed off all of Hamas-controlled Gaza, in effect creating a blockade, in response to heavy rocket fire on civilian populations in Israel.

The world has condemned Israel for this, calling it "collective punishment."

The world also condemns Israel for targeted killings of members of Hamas' militant wing.

The only other option is for Israel to do nothing, and allow its citizens live in constant fear of being killed/maimed by Kassams and Kayatushas, which will eventually lead to the total evacuation of cities such as Sderot. My only logical deduction is that this is, in fact, what the world wants Israel to do. After all, Israel has already given back all of pre-1967 Gaza, so its not like they can sing the usual "End the occupation" song.

I think its about time Israel stops listening to these people.