Monday, June 12, 2006

Hello everyone! I arrived safely in Ben Gurion about an hour ago. Lucky for me, Rabbi Poupko (the Harvard Hillel Rabbi) was on the same plane with me, so we had some iced coffee, a boureka, and then shared a cab to Jerusalem. I am currently in the bus station in Jerusalem, which is about 100% different then it was 6 years ago. Think....the difference between where the Chinatown Bus stop used to be in Boston (in front of a pastry shop), and Logan Airport. This place is crazy. It's like a nice mall, synagogue (there is *actually* a synagogue), and a bus station all in one.

Anyway, I am on my way to Efrat. I have managed to only lose my pillow so far (left it in the taxi), which is good, considering my absent mind (I am holding onto my camera like it was my life). Take it easy over there in the States.

"I've eaten all over the world: America, Europe....everywhere. Only in Israel does food actually fill me up"----Israeli Cab Driver



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